
Nixa Missouri 65714


Mon-Fri: 8:00 am – 6:30 pm; After hours or weekends, call for appointment

Nixa Missouri 65714

Our Services


Road Hazard Insurance

Plan Features

Free Tire Replacement* 

if a tire is not repairable for the first 33% (one-third) of useable tread, prorated thereafter

*Installation cost not included.

Free Flat Repair**

for the life of the plan

**Convenience fee for mobile repair not included.

Three Years of Coverage

from the date of purchase or until the tire is worn out (the tire is worn out when the tread is at 2/32nds or less)

Flat tire changing assistance 

reimbursement nationwide

Nationwide coverage

thousands of dealers, in all 50 states. We cover your tires at home or away, wherever you travel in the U.S.

For an example of the policy, click here.